Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Love Lamp

I am slowly starting to collect things for my 21 month
old's big girl room. By slowly I mean SLOWLY, we
probably won't put it together for 6 more months,
but with a tiny budget I decided to start now so I can
take the time to find good deals.
Enter good deal number 1:
a lamp
I picked up this $4 lamp base at a thrift store.
I love the shape, but I'm not so fond of the color/glazing
that is going on. So I used some cream spray paint I had
in the garage, found a $3 lamp shade at Target,
and it turned into this:
I love how it turned out, and how can
you beat the $7 total?!

I also picked up this fabric for a headboard and
possibly a bed skirt. I love the colors, the paisley
and the $3/yard price tag as well!
Now I'm on the hunt for a sweet little night stand
and some bedding, possibly white with ruffles?!

Linking up to Frugal Friday


  1. I love that lamp...and only $7?! We have the ugliest lampshades on our lamps in our bedroom that we got for free from someone. They look like the Tin Man's hat. I'm serious. Ugh. I don't know why I've left them like that for so long. For $7 I'm so doing something about it!

    That fabric WOULD be so cute for a headboard! I totally want to see pictures of it when it is done.

  2. That is a sweet little lamp! I am loving the fabric you chose as well. My favorite part is that there is pink in it without it screaming LITTLE GIRL'S ROOM, you know? Can't wait to see how it comes together. :)

  3. Love the lamp. So pretty. You did a great job. I think I have a lamp like that that I found at DI and re-painted and fixed up. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I LOVE this lamp! I'm usually really picky about house decorations, but this is BEAUTIFUL!


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