Monday, December 6, 2010

Getting Rid of the Border Around Your Images

Depending on your web browser and blog template, sometimes you will see an outlining border around the images that you have uploaded. If this bothers you, you can go HERE or HERE for instructions on how to remove it.

***If you have done the steps to get rid of the border
around your image, but still see a little something
around it, you are the victim of the pesky
box shadow in your blog template.
Here is how to fix this:

Go to the Edit HTML Tag in your DESIGN tab.

If you see a code like the one I've highlighted below in your EDIT TEMPLATE box,
change it to what I have highlighted here:

Basically, you are just changing the 1px 1px 5px on each row
that is highlighted to: 0px 0px 0px.
Preview, and save your changes. View your blog, and
the shadow should be gone!


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