Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hooded Scarf -- Genius!

Gosh this morning is busy already.  Santa had to run to Kmart...they were giving away $50 game vouchers for a Wii purchase --- and had 1 left.  2 hour delay...my morning is already all funky. 

But anywho...Hooded Scarf.  Brilliant idea.

My blog buddy Emily from The Boy Trifecta has this super tutorial on how to make one here.  I needed one.  (Fingers crossed Josh doesn't lose it at school today!)

{Monster flannel -- perfect for a boy}

I had some flannel but I wanted it super warm.  But I didn't have any fleece.  I thought about cutting up a blanket.  But then I thought nooo....Joshua's bathrobe (that's to small anyway and yet he wants to keep it --- double score!).  This sucker is WARM.  I wear it - husband laughs at me.  But it's perfect.
{Plush bathrobe all cut up - I love the piping that are on each end of the scarf}

{And the piping lines the hood}

This is probably the most brilliant thing I've made -- you need one!

With the hood (and esp. with some fluffy fabric in there) wind can't blow inside.  And it's soooo warm and comfy.

 {front view -- all bundled up -- please ignore the backpack straps it drives me crazy that he doesn't put it on all the way!!!}
 {side view -- you see how it covers the whole neck - no gaps -- and it covers the cheeks!}
{Again it covers the whole back of the neck and tucks in perfectly with a coat.  Love it!}

This was a super easy (and quick!) project to make -- go check out Emily's site and make one for EVERYONE you know.   


  1. AMANDA! This turned out awesome! I am so glad someone made a boy version - I felt bad posting a girl version on blog since it such a unisex project. I LOVE IT! Do you mind if I feature it later this week?

    Your blog is so festive, by the way! The downside of reading in a google reader is that I don't get to see the cuteness happening here!

  2. I think this is a wonderful idea! I wonder why all scarfs don't come with hoods...


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