Monday, December 27, 2010

Interchangeable Hair Flowers Tutorial

I can't take credit for this wonderful genius idea. A friend of mine had one of these for her little girl. We were looking at it and decided that we could totally make our own! What's cool about them, is that they are totally versatile. You can make different pieces that match different outfits and totally mix and match them as you like. They are not that hard to make at all!

Here are the supplies you will need to make your own:

faux flowers or material to make your own flowers
hole punch
hot glue or a strong glue of some type
tulle, faux flower leaves, accents to go with your flowers
buttons or something similar to make up the interchangeable flower centers (I made 3 center pieces, so I used 3 buttons)
plain hair clip
a plain stretchy headband (optional)

Here is some hardware you should get. I've labeled each piece so that you can see how they go together throughout the tutorial. Make sure that your B piece can fit around the C post. My A piece fit around the D screw. You will only need the A piece if you want a bigger center piece (button) for your flowers. 
Here's a closer look at pieces C and D. The D piece screws into the C piece. I found these pieces at a hardware store. They are super cheap. I think it was like $0.40 for the both of them.
Here are some flowers I used and a button I liked.

1. Putting together the hair-clip piece 

Put piece B over piece C and secure with glue, then glue this to the hair-clip like shown below.

2. Making the center pieces

Get your buttons that you will be using for the center pieces. Cut off the back piece that extends out on each button.
You will then glue piece D to the back of the buttons. If you are using a large button, you can glue piece D to piece A before you glue it onto the button. Each of these pieces will screw into the hair-clip piece. I ended up with a gold one, a pearl one, and a black one.

3. Putting together your flowers

Pull apart some faux flowers. I ended up with separate petals with holes in the center. Make sure that you match up the hole in the middle and just hot glue around the hole and stack up and glue the petals back together one-by-one. Choose as many flowers as you want!
Or you can make your own flower, like I did here. I almost felt like I was sinning as I cut apart an old book to get my petals--but it was totally the look that I was going for. I brushed the edges with some gold paint. I also cut up some tulle to go in between the petals.
I glued them all together one by one and punched a hole in the center.

4. Making the flower accents

Grab your piece of felt. I traced around a spool of thread to make my circles. You will need two circles of felt for each accent.
Punch a hole in the center of each piece of felt.
Put your accent piece, in this case--a feather, in between the pieces of felt and glue them together.
Make as many accent pieces as you want!

Here is the assortment of pieces I put together and ended up with.

Now all you have to do is pick out the pieces that you want on the hair-clip, stack them onto the hair-clip post, and screw on the center piece.

Check out all of the different looks that you can get out of this project! You can even clip them onto headbands for something different. The possibilities are endless :)

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  1. I absolutely love this! I'm excited to make some of my own.


  2. Vương Lâm nhíu mày, quan sát xung quanh, bỗng nhiên nói:

    - Sất Hổ huynh, vị trí đánh dấu trong ngọc giản chính là vị trí của các tầng vỡ đè lên nhau, không biết đó là tầng thứ mấy?

    Hồng Điệp mấy ngày qua không nói một lời, lúc này cũng hừ nhẹ một tiếng:

    - Phí lời, hiển nhiên là tầng thứ hai rồi! Tiên giới nơi đây có thể xuất hiện hai tầng Toái phiến đã là khó khăn lắm rồi!
    mu private cho thuê nhà trọ nhạc sàn cực mạnh tư vấn pháp luật qua điện thoại công ty luật tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật dịch vụ thành lập công ty
    Ánh mắt Vương Lâm hơi sững lại, lạnh lùng nói:

    - Ngu ngốc!

    Lại bị chửi là ngu ngốc, ánh mắt Hồng Điệp nổi lên sát khí đằng đằng, nhìn Vương Lâm chằm chằm. Sất Hổ ngẩng đầu lên vội vàng nói:

    - Tằng huynh! Chính xác là tầng thứ hai đó, nhưng theo như phán đoán của Tập Tổ tộc ta cũng có thể còn có tầng thứ ba ở dưới đó.

    Hồng Điệp ngẩn ra, ánh mắt lóe lên, trầm ngâm không nói. Thần sắc Vương Lâm bất động. Hắn cảm thấy có chút không đúng. Trước đó dường như hắn đã phát hiện được có


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