Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jingle Bell Napkin Rings

I saw these napkin rings last year at Pottery
Barn and fell in
love! They are no longer available,
so I didn't catch the price,but I figured I could
make a cheaper version myself!

I picked up these at the dollar store

I cut off the cheapo fabric,
and was left with a gray plastic napkin ring.
I then bought some mini jingle bells from Michael's
and hot glued them right on!

Here's how it turned out!

I love the chunkiness of mine,
and the fact that they were most likely cheaper
than the PB price!
What do you think?


  1. These are great. I wish I could get my hands on some mini jingle bells. I hope you've shared this with They've got a week of PB Holiday Knock Offs going on right now.


  2. LOVE them! I will have to copy! :)


  3. I love these. They are definitely something I'd love to make for my house!


  4. cute as a button!! i wish i had seen this earlier in the season, i'll have to put them on my to-do list for next christmas.

  5. what dollare store did you find these napkin rings in? I know it's been a couple of years but they may still carry them. Thanks!


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