Tuesday, January 4, 2011

20 Crafts I'm doing for 2011....What about you?

Well, it's a new year!  2011.  I love New Years.  I do.  I love the goal setting.  The fresh starts.  The reflection and the looking forward.  So today I really wanted to share my top 20 things I want to make this year. 

1. I really would like to make a family history scrapbook.  A mix of family history and those books Tell Me your story.  Know what I'm talking about?  I thought about doing this a few years ago and it just got put on the back burner.  But no more! 

2.  Make a quilt.  Never done it.  But I will.

3. I want to make Emily's Grandview bag.  I've wanted to make it for a while now. 

4. I've got quite a few projects lined up for my living room.  I'm doing a vintage game theme.  But I can't share too much yet! :)

5.  I pledged to make 1 blanket a month for Gabe's gifts! {I would LOVE if you could help with this project!  Read about my story and how you can help here}

6. I would like to learn to make soap. 

7. So I've given up trying to win one of these fabulous necklaces from Flamingo Toes.  {Darn all of the other 5,000 people who were hoping to win too!}  So I think I just need to make one myself.  Good thing she shows you how!  I've never made jewelry before so this is a first for me too.
8. And speaking of necklaces I still need one of the silhouette necklaces from All things made by Kelly.

9. DSCF1619
Josh lost his lunch money a few times this year.  So this is a must!! {A Lemon Squeezy Home tutorial}

10.  I think that there are a bazillion holiday things I saw this year that I didn't get to make so let me just generalize here: pillows

11. table runners/place mats/tablecloths

12. wreathes

13. buntings/banners...whichever you call them

14. and I obviously need a million frames for all of the holiday printables I've saved!!!

14.  Coasters.  I need coasters.  I don't have any.  Why? Must make some. 

15. Josh needs a new backpack.  I was going to order this Star Wars one from PB but they were sold out and on back order til Nov.  And then I forgot about it. 
I may still buy him one.  And make a 2nd backpack.  One that I like.  One to take to Grandmas.

16. My husband requested lounge pants like I made Josh.  Made me laugh.  But I will.  {And then he promptly asked me not to make matching family pjs}

17. Learn to make pretty cookies.  I'm so envious of all the pretty cookies out there!

18. And make cake pops.  Am I the only one who hasn't tried these yet? 

19. I'd also like to build something.  I've never built anything.  In fact.  I don't even really use a hammer.  {Seriously I don't.  If I want a picture hung up I lean it against the wall till I get Andy to hang it up.}

20. Greeting cards.  Kind of lame?  But I'd like to get a whole years worth of cards made.  And addressed.  And stamped.  And organized.  So I just have to pull em out.  How great would that be?

Whats on your list of crafty projects to try this year??


And on a non-craft related but New Years resolution related item of note... I was chosen to be on Win, Lose or Blog! It's totally exciting (and yet embarrassing that I've gotten all fat!) but I'd love all y'alls support over there! It starts Jan. 10. So if you've got a few lbs to lose come do it with me.  And we'll make it fun. Well, at least try! :)

Happy New Year everyone!!


  1. These are great ideas. Glad you found them for me! I love the bag and the Lunch Money Wallet Cuff!

  2. I want to make a quilt too! :) Good luck on all your projects. I've got quite a few on my to do list too. Better get cracking!


  3. Making a goal list of projects is a great idea! I was just sitting here thinking I should do that b/c I get so overwhelmed with what I ALREADY want to do then I'll read a new idea on blogs and get distracted even more! ;-) One I WILL complete though is a quilt since I just received the SUgar Pop and Change quilt kit with a "recipe" from the MODA website! It will be my first "real" quilt!

  4. I got inspired by your #20. I think I will do that too!

    Thanks! BTW...love your site

    Wendy @www.remakingitmine.blogspot.com

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