Thursday, January 6, 2011

Monogrammed Glasses

So here is an easy, inexpensive and
personalized gift idea for you!
I bought a pack of 6 glasses at Ikea ($8)
and cut out a stencil using vinyl on a Cricut.
I then attached the stencils to the glasses,
and used etching cream ($6 with a 50% off coupon
at Michaels)

Let the cream sit for about 5 minutes,
rinse off the cream, peel off the sticker
and VOILA!

haha, can you see it? A little?
My picture didn't turn out well, but here is
a better example of what it looks like.

image via Pottery Barn
This is a great hostess gift, wedding gift
or make them for yourself!
I now want to etch everything in my house!


  1. I love etching! And surprisingly, the Dollar Tree has some great glasses. Can't beat $1! :)

  2. I love to do them as a wedding gift on stemware. I too have gone through the "I want to etch everything mood"...often. :)

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