Monday, February 28, 2011

Blanket Party w/ giveaway

Gabe's Gifts
Hey guys!  It's the end of the month - which means blanket party time!   Don't forget each Monday you can see a special blanket tutorial at Today's Top 20, We're the Joneses, and here at This & That Creative

For anyone new - I'm Amanda.  I've started a blanket drive this year to raise blankets for Project Linus.  Why?  To donate blankets in my son Gabe's name.  I lost our baby in August due to a miscarriage.  I really wanted something positive to be associated with his name.  And giving back is the best way to do that.

Project Linus is such a great organization.  They donate handmade blankets to kids (newborn - teens) who need them the most.  I'm really happy to be working with them.

March is going to be a really hard month for me.  My due date was actually my birthday - March 14.  So I'm hoping to make a blanket drop off.  If you have any blanket that you would be willing to donate - please send them my way! {You can email me at amandablogs(at)yahoo}

Here is one of the receiving blankets I made with the help from Raspberry Creek Fabric.  She really went above and beyond - sending me super cute flannel for 4 blankets!  THANK YOU! :) Make sure to check our her shop for super cute prints!
And I have a taggie blanket ready.  This was thanks to Sew It Up Fabric.  She has kits that come with the adorable fabric, minky and ribbon all ready to go.  The instructions are super easy.  This was such a fun, quick project!

  So link up any blanket project you've got.  Mail me your blankets to get donated.  Email if you are interested in guest posting a blanket tutorial (it will be seen on Today's Top 20, We're The Joneses and here at This & That Creative). 

Can't wait to see your projects!!
I'll pick one project using random to send out a little package of my favorite crafty things so make sure I'm able to get your email address! :)

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