Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nursery Inspiration Boards

My best friend is due with her first baby in August.
She doesn't find out what she's having for another month
but that doesn't stop us from getting started on the
nursery design process.
She lives in this great little apartment outside San Francisco
and the baby's room has these floor to ceiling windows
which are amazing! Unfortunately it's a rental so paint
isn't really an option, so I decided to design with some bold
colors for the furniture and accessories so it livens up the space.

Here are the inspiration boards I designed for her:
Bright, fun, playful, and a little bit whimsy with the
owl details and the banner.

And for the boy:
I went with a natural and woodsy feel, but also a
bit of whimsy with the cardboard deer head.
The vinyl "forrest" is also a great alternative to paint.

Inspiration boards are a great way to put ideas together
before buying items for a space. If they don't look good
next to each other on the computer screen then they won't
work together in a room.
I can't wait to find out what she's having so
the shopping can begin!


  1. Wow. Now all you have to do is find out what she is having and go shopping :) I love both boy and girl versions!

  2. أن حشرة سوس الخشب من الحشرات المؤذية للغايةٌ لأثاث البيت فلابد من القضاء عليها في أقرب وقت محتمل لأنها من الحشرات التي تزداد ذاتياٌ، وتتكاثر بأعداد ضخمةٌ داخل الخشب وعندا تكبر تطلع بأعداد عظيمة وكل إحدى تلك الأعداد تبحث عن موضع أخر مصنوع من الخشب وتسكن داخلة وتتكاثر مرة أخري بنفس الأعداد الغفيرة التي تضعها وتكرر العملية حتى تقوم بإصابة كل مقر داخل المنزل، فلابد من التحرك فور ظهورها خوفاٌ من الأضرار التي ينتظرها منزلك من وجود تلك الحشرة اللعينة داخلة.
    شركة رش مبيدات بالمدينة المنورة
    كيفية صنع مبيد للنمل بالمنزل
    المبيدات الحشرية الكيميائية
    شركة الانوار لرش المبيدات


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