Monday, March 28, 2011

Blanket Party

Gabe's Gifts
Hey guys!  It's the end of the month - which means blanket party time!   Don't forget each Monday you can see a special blanket tutorial at Today's Top 20, We're the Joneses, and This & That Creative

For anyone new - I've started a blanket drive this year to raise blankets for Project Linus.  Why?  To donate blankets in my son Gabe's name.  I lost our baby in August due to a miscarriage.  I really wanted something positive to be associated with his name.  And giving back is the best way to do that.

Project Linus is such a great organization.  They donate handmade blankets to kids (newborn - teens) who need them the most.  I'm really happy to be working with them.

I am so happy to say that I have recieved over 40 blankets for Project Linus.  WOW!  Thank you so much!!!  I really am just so greatful.  :)  Thank you thank you thank you.

The first round of blankets will be picked up this week.  It was spring break and my local chapter lady was out of town but I'll be sure to snap a picture! :)
There are 2 of the boxes over flowing...but ready to go!
I just love this blanket - so pretty.  Do you like the crochet edges?  Check next Monday for the tutorial! 
Thanks Heather!!

I had to unwrap the quilt!  All of those blankets were mailed together.  Thanks for the group effort ladies! :)

Lots of soft preemie blankets ....

Here is my little blanket.  I love the fabrics!  So happy!

Your turn!

  So link up any blanket project you've got.  Mail me your blankets to get donated.  Email if you are interested in guest posting a blanket tutorial (it will be seen at Today's Top 20, We're The Joneses and This & That Creative). 

Can't wait to see your projects!!
I'll pick one project using random to send out a little package of my favorite crafty things so make sure I'm able to get your email address! :)

And don't forget the 31st is the Blogger of the Month Party at Today's Top 20.  Come link up your fave. project you've made in March for a chance to win a great prize from My Vinyl Designer as well as a month's of advertising at Today's Top 20!


  1. I'm loving all the blankets! There are so many great ideas :)

  2. All the blankets are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
    instagram gifts


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