Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Creative Spotlight Award: Settee by Frou-FruGal

I am excited to feature Suesan from Frou-FruGal today with her amazing settee. 
I can't help but absolutely love it! She totally transformed a regular settee into one with a map
that represents where her ancestors are from!

Here's what Suesan has to say about it:

(Check out the links for more in-depth how-tos)

I picked up the settee from my neighbor's garage sale last summer. I bought it for $20 and knew that it needed some love. 

My next step was to strip off the old varnish and restore the wood finish .

Next, I drew on the map and painted the drop cloth I wanted to use as the upholstery.

Finally, I added some extra padding and re-upholstered the settee.

I started the project in January. Due to the plague visiting our house and other setbacks, it took me until mid-March to finish it. I didn't work on it non-stop, but kept at it. 

I'm glad people are enjoying the final results. I think that taking a risk and daring to find something that speaks to you will make all the hard work worth it in the end.

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