Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Creative Spotlight: Star's Crib Skirt Tutorial

Hi! I'm Jennifer and I will be posting on Wednesdays for a bit while Ashley enjoys her brand new baby.

I am a big fan of A Load Of Craft. Star makes some really cute stuff and provides great, easy to follow tutorials. She also has an etsy shop if you're interested. A lot of my favorite tutorials are baby related (I'm 4 months pregnant and I have been dying to make a lot of her ideas). I especially love her crib skirt tutorial. Check out her blog for the full tutorial on this cute crib skirt (as well as tutorials for loads of other great stuff)!

(Image from Star's blog)

My good friend had a baby (Ruby) last October and asked if I'd make her a crib skirt. I used Star's tutorial and it rocks. It's detailed, full of pictures and pretty simple to execute. The crib skirt I made for my friend's baby turned out so cute and I'm really excited to get cracking on one for my little one! Thanks for the great tutorial, Star!

(I also redid her rocking chair cushions...perhaps we'll get to that another day)


  1. Oooh...LOVE it. I've actually never visited her blog before, but I do love how she uses loads of pictures! When it comes to sewing, I'm a visual learner. I can barely read a pattern to save my life, but if I can see step-by-step pictures, I rock!

  2. P.S. Ruby's nursery is probably one of the classiest I've seen. LOVE it.

  3. Great feature! I know lots of people expecting that would totally love this!


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