Friday, March 11, 2011

Photo Montage Wall Art

Nearly a decade ago, I was watching an episode of Trading Spaces where one of the designers used various floral photographs to create a photo montage on a wall.  I loved it.  That's just all there was to it!  I had to have one.  Years later, I took these hibiscus pictures while my husband and I were on our honeymoon in the Bahamas.  I printed and framed them shortly after we returned home and they have added a pop of color to our chocolate brown accent bedroom wall for the last four years.  

Even though I still totally love the hibiscus flowers, I felt it was time for something a bit different more gender-neutral.  I came up with this:

My husband and I LOVE to travel.  I take loads of pictures constantly, so I had many to choose from!  I finally decided on a montage of some of my favorite trips (admittedly, some were without my husband).  I will be the first to admit that I did have to apply some "master PhotoShop skills" as I didn't particularly enjoy the random strangers who also appeared in my pictures (minus the Times Square photo--NYC just isn't the same without loads of people...and taxis).  But hey, you'd never know that my Golden Gate Bridge shot and Bahamas Beach shot were previously littered with unnamed strangers!  I printed these with a sepia tone because, even though the pictures are more beautiful in color, I didn't want the wall to be TOO busy.  I love how it turned out!


  1. Ohhh! I love the black and white photos.

  2. Those pictures are beautiful! And I love how the sepia tone creates a unity between each one.

  3. I love this idea! I'm impressed with your photoshop skills.

  4. I think I prefer this to the flower art. I really love it. If you stained the frames a little darker the sepia would really pop and compliment your wall well. Way cute idea. I like it a lot.

  5. This wall art is really great. Sometime we can make our own art based on the ideas getting in our mind. This things will serve you as a clues of how to make an art.

  6. The effect of that montage is totally attractive to the eyes. I like how the pictures comes together and kinda compose a one single photo.

  7. Gumamela had been one of my long time favorite flower. I remember tucking one in my ear when I was young. The wall arts are really amazing.

  8. Great post. Another art work idea for me. Thank you for posting and sharing this to us.

  9. The effect of the montage is really striking. The flowers have bold colors that makes an outstanding statement.

  10. Wow the black and white photo effect is very nice and the instance in which they are placed depicts a story as if..nice creativity.


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