Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spotlight Award: Jeep Sandbox from Painted Fresh

I really wanted to pick something amazing for my first pick for a Spotlight Award. I had my eye on a few blog posts and kept debating over a them for what seemed like forever. When I saw a Jeep Sandbox post from Donna over at Painted Fresh , I knew I had found my winner! But first, here's a little about Donna:

"Hi! my name is Donna and I am an Alabama girl and pretty doggone southern, I'll admit) but I am savvy to! :)  I am a Christian, wife to a super supportive, patient, helpful and mighty handsome hubby, stay/work at home mom to Hudson the most awesome, sweetest, cutest, compassionate, well mannered 3 year old little rock'n'roller guy in the universe!  Seriously, this kid must have read an etiquette book! errr, or had one read to him, I mean he doesn't read - yet.  I am super proud though - if it isn't obvious, and I know that God blessed me (and continues to) with him.  By far Hudson is my greatest accomplishment and the most joy and peace I have ever experienced. 

'Nuff 'bout that - you want to know about creative/DIY/blog stuff.  Well let me admit right off the bat, that I am GREEN at this blogging, no experience at all.  (Oh, and that's my fav color too!) :)  Be patient with me!  If I don't grab your button immediately, I have probably lost my cheat sheet telling me how to grab it and where to place it!  I do not get "html" speak, ( I mean, I thought "html" was short for hard time making lists!) and I get lost on my own blog sometimes.  Uhhh, are you laughing at me? that IS a snicker! Fine! I know I am fruit loop when it comes to computer stuff - but just take a look at some of my furniture/art/projects; I do know what I am doing there! (well, most of the time!)  Even though I have been doing creative stuff for as long as I can remember, I never really documented it.  I am gradually learning how to write about what I am doing now (and in the recent past) on Painted Fresh; and trying very hard to take lots of before, during, after pics to share.  I sort of think this blogging may help me be more organized and get more projects done...we'll see!  I am all about helping someone - I really get a kick out of seeing/making others happy!  So I want you to copy something I have done, if you see something you like, and I will help you get there if you ask.  Heck I'll just help you anyway with whatever - I'm just like that.  Gotta always have something going' on!  While mostly running on empty all the time, 

I love a bargain, love junkin' around at fleas, estate sales, and yard sales.  Mostly I do a lot of furniture now and sell it in two different stores here locally.  And I do custom furniture painting for private clients also and once in a while I do small piece art for someone.  All my shenanigans are done in our garage.  (thanks honey!)

Here are a few totally random things about me:

1.  I have owned two Harley's and loved riding them! (usually people do not believe that, because I am  5'5" and weigh about 110 - a Harley weighs over 600 pounds)

2.  I once had the crazy thought of getting my general contractor's license

3.  I have a weakness for beautiful clothes (classic w/a little edge) and shoes, the higher the heels the better! 

4.  I have dated a famous person (or 2) (my hubs could not care less)

5.  I could eat Duke's mayo on just about anything! (peanut butter, banana and Duke's, oh yeah baby!)

6.  I am fun, silly, sarcastic, do not act my age, and love passionately

7.  I do not eat fast food or drink soda

8.  I hoard magazines, oh, goodness do I have the mags!  shhhhh, don't tell hubby

9.  I have been a passenger in a stunt plane at an air show

10. I am simply complicated!
this is me...

bad pic and I reeeeeeally do not like cold weather

my little rock 'n roller
 how I feel most of the time!

 sometimes you see this in Bama :)"
Now here's her Jeep Sandbox! She schemed this up in the middle of the night, just a few days before her little boy's 2nd birthday--and of course it had to be done before the birthday party! She knew all the little details already in her head. She totally marched right into Home Depot with a mission, and this is what she had when she was done:

I love that she added so many fun details, like the 4x4 and rearview mirror and such!

And one of my favorite features is this awesome compartment!

Thanks Donna for sharing this awesome project! Congrats on your Spotlight Award! Now, I just gotta talk my husband into helping me making one for our little guy (he turns two in May)!

Go check out Painted Fresh Blog to be updated on all of her awesome projects!


  1. thank you for the feature! my heart is 'swelled up' with pride and my head is still in the clouds! lol
    And little guy said "Mommy your on the computer, and there is my sandbox"

    Peace & Love,

  2. it is a good blog and its articles are intresting

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. After reading the article i have known that jeep is the perfect for touring. I must take a jeep for my next tour which is comfortable for us for bearing our supply.


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