Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easy Easter Decoration

I don't have a lot of decorations for any holiday other than Christmas. My husband and I have been married about two years...not a lot of time for decoration accumulating. With Easter around the corner, I decided to make an easy Easter decoration. I got a cute frame for 50% off at a local craft store. I intended to mod podge some styrofoam eggs but when I found these, I decided just to get them. They are pastel and speckled and kind of adorable. I found some coordinating ribbon to go with them.

I started by poking little holes in the eggs with a pin, wrapped an ornament hanger wire thingy around the ribbon, put a dab of glue over the hole, and jabbed the ornament hanger into the egg. Feel free to attach the ribbon any way you like, this is just what I went with. Then trial and error it to see what looks good to you. Trim the ribbon to size and tape in place on the back of the frame.
You can glue it but I had big plans on using this frame for other holidays too. I bought some wooden stars and some twine. I painted the stars and then glued the small ones to larger stars. Then I measured, trial-and-errored (not real verb, I know), and taped. I actually started this project for Easter but totally love the 4th of the July one.
I switched the frame back to the Easter eggs for now, but I'm really looking forward to swapping it back out for my cute new July decoration.


  1. LOVE this idea (especially the 4th one). Christmas tree decorations for Christmas, leaves for fall, snowflakes in January, hearts in February...VERY versatile. I may have to make this my next project.

  2. Like Aliese, I like the versatility of it! Very cute!

  3. يُعَدّ عَزل الأسطح من الموضوعات المُهمّة والضرورية للمباني؛ وهذا نتيجة لـ تزايد ظاهرة حرائق الأسقف الناجمة عن الإنارة المُخترِقة للسقف، أمّا كيفيّة عَزل البيوت، فهناك الكثير من البدائل والأنواع التي يتمّ تحديدها تشييدً على نطاق الاحتياج لتثبيت العَزل والمناطق التي يُراد عَزلها في البيت، وقد يمكنه أصحاب البيوت تثبيت بعض تلك الأشكال بأنفسهمن مثل: البطّانيات، والعوازل التي تُسكَب بيسر (الرغوة السائلة)، كما أنّ هناك أنواعاً أٌخرى تتطلب إلى فَنّيين، ومهنيّين، ومُختَصّين بتركيب الموادّ العازلة،
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