I love objects that have more than one purpose, so I am very excited about this
carseat cover that also doubles as a nursing cover.
I love the poncho design of the nursing cover to allow side coverage while breastfeeding (especially when babies start to kick the cover with their little feet).

I started out with 1 1/2
yds of fabric. I used home decor. fabric because it's heavier and lays better.

Next, I cut a slit in the center. I made it big enough for my head to go through and allow for comfort but small enough that it would rest on the
carseat right. The size of this slit will differ based on your preferences.

After cutting the slit, I trimmed the edge of the fabric so it wouldn't drag on the floor when put on the
carseat. Again, this will differ based on your preferences. I ended up trimming about 4" all around.

Lastly, I used yellow bias taping to trim the edges. On the corners of the slit, I did do some reinforcing stitches before applying the bias taping. I just didn't want it to tear further.

And there you have it! A very easy, very useful project!
Maybe one of these days I'll get around to posting a project that has nothing to do with babies, but for now, stay tuned next Wednesday for a new and improved cloth diaper tutorial!
interesting article!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tut! I just finished mine. It's ADORABLE. I can't wait to use it for my baby girl in May! :) Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteI love this. I finally get to take a break from my travel nurse job and raise my twins! Love them and love this. I just want to spoil them ;)
ReplyDeleteIf you have a beat up old jalopy then it is best to reconsider since it may look weird inside old cars and won't be a good return on your money should you ever choose to sell the car unless, of course, it is a classic car.
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